How to choose the best Marble Run Track or Pinball league?

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Now on TIKTOK, Youtube, Instagrame, Facebook, Twitter, there are very popular online live short video pinball league marble Track Rally live, including Jelle's Marble Runs, SSS Pinball game, SS Billiards - Pinball - Pool - Video Games, SSS_Pinball league, etc.

If you need to customize your own marble track, you must first have a rough idea, and then we can make design drawings to make more in line with your own ideas. Such as ordinary marble track, F1 racing track, etc.

Before designing, it is necessary to understand the various components, sizes and functions of our marble track. We can also use the drawing method to simply draw the parts we provide, and then send the sketch to Imyjoy, the pinball track manufacturer.

The general width of the marble track is designed to be 23cm-50cm, and the appropriate track width and length can be customized according to the size of the room. The height is generally 140-160cm. The electronic power components of the general track include hoists (pinball elevators), accelerated catapults (eject the ball from below to below), lucky turntables, etc. You can customize different shapes of curves, staggered special-shaped curves, sharp turns, high-speed straight roads, etc.

Do you need traffic lights on the F1 track, automatically recognize the color and number of the ball, do you need cool lights, etc.

Pinballs generally use the standard size of billiard balls, or pinballs, and the number of balls can be adjusted according to different gameplays.

Imyjoy is a professional custom-made marble track factory, please contact Imjoy to customize your exclusive marble track.

Tag: Marble Run Track Pinball league SSS Pinball